I had an idea going round my head since I started breastfeeding to create something for women that would help support them on their breastfeeding journey. Since mine started on such a rocky road that left me either in tears or with several bouts of mastitis, all I thought about was “how do other women cope”?? It seemed to be like one of the great secrets of Fatima!
So I am creating a gift box full of practical essentials to help support the breastfeeding journey. The product list is not finalised but we already have some great products such as Covermebaby multi use cover, Lansinoh nipple cream, Mama designs washable breast pads, milk collection cups, Hotter mam Milk’s Up tea. And of course all of this comes in a beautifully coloured magnetic box, which can also be reused for baby’s keepsakes.
I remember when my mum first visited me after having Isobel and she bought me some expensive hand cream. It was so lovely to receive a gift just for me! As most mums get baby clothes, I think we forget some times, this woman has also become a mother. It’s not just about the baby, no matter how cute they are!
I am hoping by creating this gift, mums will feel supported, a bit more prepared, and ready for the ups and downs of breastfeeding. We are also on Instagram where I hope to generate a community of support for women. Give us a follow @ mamasboobiebox.
What was your breastfeeding essential, feel free to share!