About Petrina

Following the birth of her daughter in 2018, ​Petrina was inspired to set up Mama's Boobie Box as a result of her difficult start to breastfeeding.

Her main aim is to support breastfeeding mothers by supplying all of the practical essentials required for breastfeeding in one place, beautifully packaged in a gift box.​

The idea has grown from one gift box to many gift boxes, gift sets, and breastfeeding products, carefully selected based on feedback from breastfeeding mothers.

Petrina has started creating and designing her own range of breastfeeding products, which include a Nursing Cover, Breast Vest and a Breastfeeding Journal.

Petrina is a mum of two and she documents her milestones regularly through her blog. It's full of great anecdotes, stories, and generally useful and practical information for any new or experienced mum.

​Petrina is a regular contributor to local radio on Clare FM, Ireland and focuses on all things motherhood.

She also writes regularly for the online publication Boobingit.com, Mums and Tots magazine in Ireland and blogs for Hot Tea Mama in the UK.

She is a passionate supporter and advocate for breastfeeding mums, and she regularly talks about the importance of this through the businesses social media channels and her own Insta page, @thebreastfeedingmama.ie.

In 2024 Petrina also trained as post-natal doula to expand her knowledge of breastfeeding that enables her to support more mums in Ireland.

Read Petrina's Breastfeeding Story

On Isobel’s due date my hubbie said to me if she came now I would be ready, and I replied I don’t think you can ever be ready.

Just like my labour the first few days were a whirlwind of confusion, excitement, and do we really have a baby???

Read the Full Story