We began working from home on 19th March and have continued that way since. We spent 3.5 months working and co-parenting Isobel whilst childcare was closed. This was defintely my most treasured time with her since maternity leave. Even though we had no family help closeby, getting through it together brought us closer. Our world became so small with the first lockdown, and multiple trips to our local park (5 mins walk from us) felt like an extension to our living room.
Once Isobel went back to creche I started thinking about potty training and set aside a weekend in July to get through it. Even though it was emotionally draining and we both cried most of that weekend, I felt I got the timing spot on as she nailed it.
I had surgery a couple of weeks later for gallstones and at that stage we planned to move back to Ireland in August. Luckily I recovered well from surgery so the move went ahead as planned. We moved in with my mother in law, Isobel started a new creche and my husband a new job. Looking back it feels like that time was such a whirlwind!
By October we were back into another lockdown, not as severe as March, but now I was at home and couldn’t visit my family. It was such a frustrating time and six long weeks later we were released. I also lost my uncle suddenly during this lockdown which was really difficult to deal with.
So now we’re in December and facing another severe lockdown until at least 31st January! I am hoping this is the beginning of the end and once the vaccine has been rolled out, by Spring, hopefully we will get back to some kind of normal life.
Oh and did I mention I have also started planning on launching my own business, more on that later.
Take a breath, if you year has been halve as busy as mine, pour yourself a large glass of your favourite tipple tonight. Sit back, and give yourself a massive pat on the back, and say, “well done on surviving this year”. There is no need for resolutions in 2021, you have had a hard enough time. Don’t try and do it all! Take breaks when you need them and ask for help when it all becomes a bit too much.
Happy new year, here’s to an easier 2021!