Bump to Boobie

Our "Bump to Boobie" Free Breastfeeding Guide provides mama's with consistent support via email from that 1st feed until your baby is 6 weeks old.

Our guide is written in collaboration with professional Lactation Consultant Regina Kincaid IBCLC & Midwife.

Our guide provides you with detailed breastfeeding support on Day 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 of your first week breastfeeding and thereafter once a week until your baby is 6 weeks old.

Our guide includes a mix of videos, links, baby behaviour and breastfeeding information that you can use to support you getting breastfeeding off to the right start.

All available for FREE.

Simply pop your email into the pop up box and enter the date you want to receive the guide from. 

Don't worry if your baby arrives a little later than planned. We suggest you store all our emails into a specific folder so you have them ready for when your baby arrives.


All information for the guide was sourced from the following; HSE, UNICEF Babyfriendly Initiative, WHO Breastfeeding Recommendations, Kelly Mom, Book
“Breastfeeding Made Simple” by Nancy Mohrbacher & Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, and NHS.

Disclaimer: Please note our guide is intented to support mums during those crucial first few weeks to establish breastfeeding. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

As Seen on

Breastfeeding Support After Birth


  • Public Health Nurse @ Hse Health Centre or Home visit within 72 hours of discharge.
  • HSE Midwife after homebirth or early transfer home
  • Online/Live chat with My Child
  • GP
  • Breastfeeding Clinics offered by some hospitals.
HSE Support


Common Breastfeeding Questions:

I'm pregnant and want to breastfeed, where should I start?

Do some research with books or Youtube

Attend a breastfeeding preparation class run by a lactation consultant

Attend a breastfeeding support group in your area to meet other breastfeeding mums.

Sign up to our free "Bump to Boobie" Guide

I just started breastfeeding but I'm in a lot of pain?

Breastfeeding can be painful at the beginning when establishing supply and getting the latch correct.​

Get your latch checked by a lactation consultant within hospital or through your public health nurse referral.​

For any questions, use the HSE breastfeeding chat service

How will I know if my baby is getting enough?

Regular wet and dirty nappies.

Baby is satisfied after a feed.

Your baby is steadily gaining weight.

You can hear and see your baby swallowing milk.

Your breasts feel softer after a feed.

Where can I find more support?

Lactation Consultants of Ireland

HSE Breastfeeding

La Leche League


Friends of Breastfeeding

Doula Association of Ireland

Doula Care