Keep calm -it will pass

Keep calm -it will pass

For nearly 2 weeks now Isobel has suddenly decided 4.30am is her new wake up time. While she is handling it perfectly fine with less sleep, I’m walking around most days like a zombie! Today I even forgot what a bread board was called, total baby brain effect 😂😂.

She is also very cranky and not her usual happy smiley self, even when I put her down for a minute she has a total meltdown. The constant crying is really getting me down and very hard to listen to especially when nothing obvious is wrong.

I have been following the wonder weeks app which is an amazing tool to track development but she is currently in between stages, so I am not sure if its a phase or the start of weaning that has her so prickly!

A friend reminded me during the week like most baby related things, this too will pass. It is just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are deep in the middle of it.

I’m getting a break away next week for a night so I can catch up on some sleep. I am very lucky that I have a partner who can take time off at short notice. Although I know I will miss her, I know for my own sanity I need to take a step back and get a recharge. It’s important to recognise when you are feeling completely rundown and drained and get some back up to help you out.

Each night I put her asleep I think she might stretch an extra 20 minutes tomorrow, I will keep hoping that and know this won’t last forever. Tomorrow is a new day!

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