Flying solo

Flying solo

I did my first flight today with Isobel and glad to report she was as chilled out as she normally is. I love seeing her little personality develop. She is one relaxed child and had smiles for everyone from security to flight staff.

I have to admit I was really worried about how I would cope on my own if she had a meltdown. I tried to time the flight with her naps which didnt really work at all, so by the time I got to the airport she was already awake over 3 hours 🤷‍♀️. I was lucky I had my trusty snoozyshade with me, so I covered the buggy and did a few laps around the terminal to get her off to sleep. A quick cup of coffee for mom and a goodbye to dad and the little monkey was awake again.

The departures was a breeze at Heathrow as there is a seperate entrance for buggies when scanning your boarding pass. Even the security team were nice and let me join the shortest que, (it must be Isobel’s cheeky smiles). I can see now why parents bring kids on holidays, it was the quickest time through security I’ve ever had!!

I brought a small playmat with me that could fit in the buggy so Isobel could stretch out while waiting to board. She is such a little wriggler now, I know when she gets moving, she will be hard to keep up with.

The flight was just over an hour as I visit family in Ireland for a few weeks. Thankfully no dramas, her teething toys and the inflight magazine kept her entertained!

I will be taking a short blogging break for a while as I catch up with extended family. Looking forward to home cooked dinners, open fires and extra hands to help with Isobel

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