Walk to Mommie
These seem to be my only words since last week as Isobel took her first steps. Now that she can stand and walk its constant encouragement to build her confidence to keep her going.She’s so cute walking, and I’m not just saying that because shes my baby. She stands up sticks her belly out, arms swinging and a big grin on her face, then when she collapses back down, a big clap and a hug for mommy.I got so emotional when she did start walking I had to call my own mother to share the good news.Its another major milestone on her journey! A friend of mine sent me a picture recently of this day last year and I just can’t believe that the little petite baby is now walking. Time seems to be moving so fast, I just want to pause and freeze it for a moment so I can absorb it all in. And while I am in that pause moment I might try and sneak some shoes on her, that battle continues…