My pregnancy had the usual up’s and down’s ; slight morning sickness, foods I had to avoid, foods I craved (sweet and sour, chocolate, ice-cream) a fractured ankle in my 12th week, mood swings, crying, and just pure fear of labour. I have such a low pain threshold I cannot even get my ears pierced. But my baby must have sensed my labour anxiety and made it real easy for me and was delivered within 7 hours of me first feeling pain, (I will tell you all about it in another post, as it is the kind of story you won’t read in “What to Expect”)
After a few months post baby I am sadly thinking about returning to work and wondering what my options are. I would love to give up work completely but financially that is not an option!
I would love to take on a new career but I am not really sure what that is yet, but I would love to work with mothers and babies. So I am starting with sharing all the knowledge I have gained so far as a first time mum, the highs the lows and all the baby cuddles in between…..
Thanks for joining me!