Settling In Again!

Settling In Again!

It’s been a hard few weeks since our nursery announced at end of June they would close in July. Just as Isobel was getting settled, we have now had to move her to another nursery this week. She did a few hours of settling in the week before last which didn’t go particularly well, so I was a little anxious this week.

It was a relief today to have a few videos sent to me by the nursery manager and seeing her so happy. Each morning dropping her off has been so difficult as she is so upset, with a very high pitch cry that continues to follow me for the rest of the morning.

The good news today is she did a massive 3 hours sleep today which has never happened in the other nursery. The main difference is they have a lovely quiet room with some soothing music to help the small babies sleep. With some perspective I can see the new nursery is much better suited to Isobel and in the long term I think she will be happier there, despite all the difficult drop off’s.

So from going through such disturbance, here are my top tips for choosing a nursery for the first time;

1. Don’t compromise on your gut feeling, if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not for you.

2. If you have built up a great feeding and sleeping routine, ask your nursery if they can stick to it, if they can’t say goodbye.

3. Check how many other babies are your child’s age.

4. See if you can talk to other mother’s who have been going there for a while for some feedback.

5. Ask if building is owned or leasehold and check amount of years left if leased.

6. Check the food options and the times of day they will be fed.

7. Check how they report feedback to you and how you can give feedback.

Above all if your not 100% happy then keep searching!

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