Isobel turns 1

Isobel turns 1

Where has the time gone? I’m a mixed bag of emotions this last week leading up to Isobel’s birthday. Reliving what I was doing this day last year and thinking about those precious first cuddles and first breast feed.

We had a lovely weekend in Ireland celebrating with extended family and friends as my sister threw a lovely partly jointly with her son who turns 5 next week.

Isobel even decided she was ready to stand up as several attempts of clinging to a coffee table finally paid off. It was so sweet to watch and she did a little clap after as she was so delighted with herself.

It’s amazing to see her develop so quickly, but also feel like I want to freeze, rewind and do those first few months all over again. I really miss the closeness of breastfeeding her and letting her fall asleep on me for hours. She managed to sleep in my arms on the flight back today and it just turned me to mush.

It’s only know I can appreciate what my own mother went through and realise why sometimes she still just sees us as her babies!

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