I have read a lot on this topic and since there always seems to be a phase when it is difficult to settle Isobel, I’m always left wondering if I have made the right decision. I have tried to be the cry it out mom many times, but I always think there could be something wrong so can never let it last more than 5 minutes. Her cries seem to go through me and all I want to do is comfort her.
Tonight was a perfect example, she has been very cross at bedtime for the last week. So I thought maybe she is overtired so I brought her bedtime forward about 15 mins. She didn’t take as long to settle (30 mins compared to the normal hour). From the minute I took her from the bath though it was one long tantrum of tears with nothing really visible to explain why! I found it so frustrating. Her screams were horrendous and it sounded as if she was in real pain. She didnt settle with a cuddle or rocking. I eventually settled her with some milk, but really don’t want to make a habit of it.
So which side of the fence are you on and how do you cope with the endless tears?