The few essentials I did bring which I thought were mad at time were a flask and her small playmat. A kettle doesn’t come with every hotel room. I spent a long time explaining to the restaurant manager this morning that I needed boiling water for baby. With some English he tried to explain he had no flask to put it in but I didn’t get it. I eventually pulled the flask out of my bag and we both had a “A-Ha” moment and a giggle, and I got my boiling water. The hotel have been lovely and have said anytime I need it day or night, just ask.
We are currently in Elba, a beautiful island off the west coast. The only downside is most restaurants do not open until 7pm for dinner. We had a second traumtic night of trying to put Isobel to bed late last night and swore today we would find somewhere to eat earlier. Most restaurants also don’t have highchairs, so I am trying to feed Isobel a lot on my lap, or her sitting up in the buggy. It has also been difficult finding her some solid food to eat out, so it’s been a lot of bread and yogurt I got in a supermarket.
So tonight we finally found somewhere to eat, not great and we suspect “Chef Wave” was employed there but it was worth it as we are now on the terrace of our room sipping wine whilst Isobel sleeps. There was no tantrums or crying forever, and she fell asleep in my arms before I got her in the cot.
It is a totally different holiday from what were used to, but Isobel is so happy during the day just been in our company. I did feel after last night’s sleep trauma I was ready to get on the next plane back home, but today all of us are a lot more relaxed and settled.
We leave Elba in the morning for Siena, where we will be for 3 nights.
For now Buona Notte.