Mum's Breastfeeding Stories

Mum's Breastfeeding Stories

Did you know that peer to peer support is the No.1 reason why new mums stay breastfeeding. With that in mind last year we asked mums on our social media accounts to share their breastfeeding story with us.

Over Insta Lives we heard an array of different breastfeeding stories, from difficult starts to mums continuing to breastfeed well past 12 months, and even surpassing their own expectations of breastfeeding.

We have collated all of these stories below, and if you would like to share your own breastfeeding story, please get in touch.

Episode 1- My sister in law Orela shared her painful start to breastfeeding, overcoming that and how it led to some beautiful bonding moments

Episode 2- with Tara of Parene Solutions

Mother of 2, expecting 3rd soon, all pregnancies with gestational diabetes.

Listen to how Tara researched and prepared for breastfeeding babies with low blood sugar.

Episode 3- with Joyce, a midwife who breastfed until her boy was 2.5 years old.

Lovely chatting about motherhood, expectations, co-sleeping and feeding in public.

Episode 4- with Giulia from A life in Motherhood

A lovely chat about breastfeeding, co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding and how dad's can help.

Episode 5- with Jen from The Jentle Parent

Doing research and discussing her inverted nipples with a Lactation Consultant really helped prepare her for her first breastfeeding journey.

We chatting about nursing aversion and feeding past 1 year old and whilst pregnant.

Episode 6- with Caroline from the green_carnivore_mammy

Caroline had 3 babies all with different breastfeeding journeys, she shared some great tips on how to prepare when pregnant, and how to have some colostrum expressed.

Episode 7- with Emma from bewell_birthwell

Hear about her 2 completely breastfeeding experiences with her 2 boys.

What happens on the 2nd night with your baby, cluster feeding and baby led weaning and co-sleeping.

Episode 8- with Sharon from

3 babies, all with tongue tie, but all babies responded differently to tongue tie treatment.

A lovely story from a fabulous mama

Episode 9- with Tracey a mum of triplets

3 babies all fed at the same time. Listen back to this powerhouse chat with Tracey who breastfed all of her triplets and continues to do so now they are 2 years old. We began the story with Tracey finding out she was expecting triplets and almost immediately assuming she would not be able feed. Listen to this fascinating insights from a mum of multiples. 

Episode 10- Gemma from Gemma Kelly Fitness

Mum of 2 girls Gemma talked in detail about feeding her first girl with hip dysplasia and have post natal depression with her second girl. Gemma's journey was such a rollercoaster with her second girl and ultimately Gemma stopped feeding to take care of her own health. It is a powerful recount of what a mum will do for her baby. 

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