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Muince Beathú Cíche Pendulum - Trí Necklactic

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Loingseoireacht SAOR IN AISCE in Éirinn os cionn €50

Worldwide Delivery Costs

Ireland - €5.50- Free over €50

98% Orders received in 2 days

UK - €15 or £3 on selected items

Europe- €15.00

Outside Europe -€20.00

Orders dispatched every day

Siopadóireacht Ar Líne Sábháilte & Slán

Muince Beathú Cíche Pendulum - Is bealach iontach é Muince Beathú Cíche Pendulum - Le muiníl a dhéantar go sonrach do Bhosca Boobie Mamaí chun do leanbh a choinneáil faoi ghlas agus é ag beathú.

Is é an cuspóir atá le muince beathú cíche ná seachrán a sholáthar don leanbh le linn seisiúin altranais. Is minic a bhíonn leanaí fiosrach agus d’fhéadfadh go n-éireodh siad as a riocht nó go n-éireodh siad as a chéile go héasca agus iad ag beathú cíche. Is féidir le muince beathú cíche rud éigin a thabhairt don leanbh chun díriú air, mar shampla pendant nó coirníní, ag cabhrú chun iad a choinneáil ag gabháil agus ag laghdú an dóchúlacht go mbeidh siad ag tarraingt nó ag tugging ar éadaí nó gruaig na máthar.

Is gnách go mbíonn seachrán ar leanaí agus iad ag altranas timpeall 3-4 mhí d’aois, agus mar sin is é an muince seo an bealach iontach chun a n-aird a choinneáil ar an gcíoch ag cinntiú go bhfaigheann siad beathú iomlán.

Tá a fhios againn mar mháthair atá ag beathú cíche go gcaithfidh tú na seodra maith a cheilt ar feadh tamaill, ach leis na necklaces ildaite seo is féidir leat taitneamh a bhaint as píosa seodra fós agus a fhios go mbeidh an leanbh sábháilte ag súgradh leis.

Uaireanta úsáidtear na necklaces seo freisin mar necklaces teething nuair a thosaíonn an leanbh teething. Soláthraíonn na hábhair shábháilte a úsáidtear sa muince dromchla soothing agus sábháilte don leanbh a cheansú.

Muince Beathú Cíche Pendulum- Tá muinceoil lámhdhéanta in Éirinn agus mar sin tá soláthar teoranta ar fáil. Tagann sé pacáistithe i mála tote línéadaigh beag agus fillte go hálainn.

Ceisteanna Coitianta

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Say hello to our new breastfeeding vests in gorgeous leopard print and bold cobalt blue! 🦓💙 Whether you’re nursing at home or out and about, these colours bring style and confidence to your breastfeeding journey.

View more here


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Simply email hello@mamasboobiebox.com with your order number and let us know what you want to exchange. Return emails are answered within 24 hours.

How long does my order take to arrive?

In Ireland, 98% of our orders are delivered within 2 days.

Overseas orders are usually delivered within 5 working days.

How do I contact customer support?

Email: hello@mamasboobiebox.com

If you have an order number, please include it in your email. We respond to all messages within 24 hours.

Do you deliver outside of Ireland?

Yes we do. The majority of orders are delivered within 5 working days. All shipping cost details are included just above the cart button on each product.

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